Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Process of Change – 2: Doctrine

In 2 Timothy 3:16 the word translated “doctrine” in our Bible speaks of instruction by means of giving information. The emphasis of the word is on the content of what is taught. The Bible is our source of information about God and His saving work and will. Without Scripture we would have no redeeming knowledge that would “make us wise unto salvation” either in our conversion or in our daily progress in holiness. Without Scripture we would be ignorant of these things.
Moreover, apart from God’s revelation of Himself in the “sacred writings,” we would have many wrong ideas about Him. We are not born as a “tabula rasa” (blank slate), as unbelieving psychologists claim. We are born as sin-darkened rebels who hold many wrong concepts about God and salvation. We need the Bible not only to inform our ignorance, but also to expose and rectify our native idolatry.
So, the first reason we read Scripture daily is to grow in our knowledge of God as He informs us via the inspired page. God’s Word is our “instruction book” for life. In the OT the Hebrew word often translated “law” is the word “torah,” which speaks of instruction. The “law” is far more than only the Ten Commandments, or even all the commandments. Everything God says is “law,” in that whatever He speaks is authoritative instruction for man. And is that is just what we need – authoritative instruction for life and godliness.
We need to know God’s will for everything that touches our eternal destiny as well as our temporary stay in this world. In fact, from our present perspective, the eternal destiny part is pretty simple: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.” It is the daily slog that we need daily light for. We have so many relationships, responsibilities and opportunities that we need a personal coach all along the way. And that is just what we have for daily Christlikeness – our gracious Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, enlightening and enabling us by the Holy Spirit to conform to His loving will as revealed in His infallible Word.
Is that why you read the Bible? I am sure that often we have read it in order to “get a blessing,” which may mean nothing more than a good feeling or a sense of God’s love. However, God’s aim is far higher – he wants to understand His will for our daily lives in this world. And that means far more than just what He wants us to do. It includes the multitude of ways that we need to change in order to stop reflecting our own egocentric lives and instead to reflect His love and holiness. It takes in all that there is of Christlikeness. Not a small topic! You think you studied in school! Christian, you are just beginning to get the picture! That Bible could be a lot bigger than it is, but what we have will take a lifetime to learn. Your assignment: know the Lord.

Next: think about what the second step might be. What will happen to us when we learn God’s will? 

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