What is real Christianity? You will get different answers to this question, depending on whom you ask. Charismatic Christians might say that speaking in tongues and the display of supernatural gifts were essential elements to real Christianity. Others might insist that keeping their rules and conforming to their standards was critical. Yet others might say that social action and outreach were of the essence of true faith in Christ. Some would put traditional forms at the center and others would promote contemporary expression. Messianic Christians hold that all things Jewish are essential to faith and worship. If that is not enough, to add more variables to the pot, simply go to other countries and study the churches there. In the end, whoever answers this question is probably describing himself and then pronouncing his form of Christianity as the “real thing.” And although they would never say it, what they imply is that to be a real Christian, you have to be like them. While each of us believes that all his positions are right, the almost endless variety in the Church on earth suggests that many of the differences among us are not really all that essential to Christianity. At least that is what the Scriptures seem to suggest. When all is said and done, the real answer to the question must be sought in God’s Word. Christianity is His “religion” after all.
Among other portions of Scripture, the First Epistle of John was written in answer to our question. Believers in John’s day were being distressed by massive defections from their churches. Former teachers in the church had left because they had rejected apostolic doctrine and were teaching “another Jesus.” Simple folk in the churches were asking how they could know they had real Christianity. John answers them by giving infallible proofs of the possession of faith in Christ, eternal life, and sonship with God. He tells them what real Christianity is.
John’s ultimate purpose in writing the letter is found in verse 3:“What we have heard and seen we declare to you so that you also may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ” [My own translation]. From man’s perspective God’s aim in sending Christ to be our Savior was that we might enjoy fellowship with Him. This is His aim for every one of His children, regardless how we might differ from one another on other matters. This is the reason both for my existence and my redemption. This is why I get up in the morning – to have fellowship with the Father through Jesus Christ my Lord. Real Christianity is fellowship with God. Now that is something worth living for!
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